Mise En Scene

Cinematic unfolding, framing, and extending into the landscape.

This renovation of a 1980s-era house preserves the existing square footage while transforming the fortress-like split-face masonry facade into a more contemporary relationship with the yard and the street. Misalignment and material juxtapositions of the original house are corrected through a series of new datums and canopy extensions on the north and south elevations. These new architectural interventions are carried into the interior as a series of cinematic moments that unfold as one moves through rooms. A series of spatial thresholds are designed to define each space and allow for a more open, fluid experience throughout the house. Hot rolled steel, walnut cladding, and stone floors make up a rigorous material palette that repeats and adjusts in each space, creating continuity and difference dependent upon the room's function.

Private Residence

Paradise Valley, Arizona

5500 ft²


Architecture - Infrastructure - Research Inc.